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Couverture de Revelations


De : DJ Cooper
Lu par : Chris Ansoff
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    Battered and drowning, Rita finds herself alone...

    Lost and alone, her memory gone, Rita struggles to remember who she is and why she was in the river. She finds herself in the hands of the enemy and must find a way to save her son. Her only escape is threatened by the very memories she’s lost. Without a location for Dez and the others, she must rely on her wits and an unlikely ally to get to her son and safety.

    Secrets surrounding the "reset" come to light and the evil behind it is revealed In this, the third audiobook in the Dystopia Series. Those who thought her long dead, come to find revelation in her emergence and betrayal in their midst. An ideal listen for fans of Hunger Games and The 5th Wave.

    ©2017 DJ Cooper (P)2021 DJ Cooper

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