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  • Revealing the Healer

  • A Complete Guide to Manifesting the Healing Power of Jesus
  • De : Yvon Attia
  • Lu par : Belinda Lams
  • Durée : 4 h et 34 min

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Revealing the Healer

De : Yvon Attia
Lu par : Belinda Lams
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    You can heal like Jesus did.

    When she was six-years-old, Yvon Attia fell out of a three-story building in Cairo, Egypt. In a dramatic encounter with Jesus, she was divinely healed. Today, as a healing minister, she teaches on divine healing with the authority of a practitioner, not a theorist.

    Yvon believes that if Jesus is our example for the Christian life, then all believers are called to release healing power, just like Jesus.

    In Revealing the Healer, she offers:

    • Inspiration and encouragement through amazing miracle stories.
    • A simple, biblical method for walking in divine healing.
    • An invitation to exercise your kingdom authority for healing.
    • Clarity on common hindrances to healing.
    • Teaching on healing through the laying on of hands, communion, spoken words, and more.
    • Revelation on the secret to Jesus’ healing ministry.

    Healing is your destiny–both to receive and release! Learn to walk in the footsteps of the healer today!

    ©2020 Yvon Attia (P)2023 Destiny Image

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