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Couverture de Return of the Runebound Professor 2

Return of the Runebound Professor 2

De : Actus Actus
Lu par : Ramón De Ocampo
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    Father may have been prepared to meet a demon, but he wasn’t ready for Noah.

    The trip to the Linwick Estate is finally complete. A meeting with Father looms, and with it the greatest threat that Noah has ever faced. Not only does he have to pretend to be the demon that Father sent his own son to get killed by, but he needs to find a way to trick the paranoid man into revealing the secret to killing the very demon that he’s taken the spot of.

    Everyone in the Estate seems to have ulterior motives, and Noah’s students aren’t an exception. The truth behind why Isabel and Todd were assigned to Vermil’s tutelage in the first place lurks in the shadows, impatient to rear its head.

    The tenuous tower of cards that Noah has built threatens to tumble to the ground. Enemies surround him, and Father’s machinations stretch farther than anyone ever could have guessed.

    There’s just one thing he didn’t account for. As dangerous and experienced as Father is, Noah is older—and he’s a far better liar.

    Book 2 of the next hit Progression Fantasy series from Actus, bestselling author of My Best Friend is an Eldritch Horror. Featuring a strong, intelligent protagonist, a detailed runic magic system, loads of power progression, and so much more.

    ©2024 Actus (P)2024 Recorded Books

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