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Couverture de Retirement Reality Check

Retirement Reality Check

De : Josh Jalinski
Lu par : Jakob Lewis, Gabe Wicks
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    A groundbreaking new retirement strategy to maximize enjoyment of family, friends, and travel, while still leaving a significant legacy for your favorite charitable cause or hobby. From the host of the popular Financial Quarterback radio program.

    "[Reader] presents this accessible lesson with beguiling charm and comfortable authority...the author writes with a deep well of experience and knowledge. He's good at distilling the logic of finance into prescriptions that are instantly clear." (Audiofile magazine)

    Josh Jalinski, host of the popular Financial Quarterback radio program, challenges 50 years of conventional retirement planning with fresh strategies tailored to today and tomorrow, such as the following:

    • The old warhorse 401(k) is great but nowhere near enough.
    • It’s okay to spend some of your IRA money before you are 70 1/2.
    • You can spend a lot more than 4 percent a year of your savings when you retire.
    • Don’t shun annuities and whole life insurance policies. Use them cleverly.

    Retirement Reality Check shows you how to maximize what you can spend while still leaving significant resources to others. And isn’t that the point? Retirement should be a time to enjoy family, friends, and travel, and support your favorite charitable cause or hobby, without worrying about your financial security.

    In this practical new audiobook, Jalinski guides you through his proven system for planning a secure retirement that lets you enjoy your money, including

    • Tax-saving strategies to maximize the amount of money you can spend from your savings.
    • Understanding the right investment mix, depending on your individual circumstances.
    • How saving cash and different life-insurance options help you weather market volatility and ensure you can pass wealth on to family members or charitable organizations.

    Accompanying assessments and charts are available in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Josh Jalinksi (P)2019 HarperCollins Leadership


    "After Gabe Wicks' strong voice delivers the brief forward, Public Radio storyteller and voice pro Jakob Lewis presents this accessible lesson with beguiling charm and comfortable authority. He's a good fit to perform Josh Jalinski's seductive writing, which sets up his advice as a contrarian alternative to the guidance people usually hear about retirement planning. As host of a financial radio program, the author writes with a deep well of experience and knowledge. He's good at distilling the logic of finance into prescriptions that are instantly clear. With strategies that are conservative and not intimidating (life insurance, annuities, tax avoidance), he's sensitive to the real-life circumstances and tolerances that retired people have. The result is a hands-on personal finance guide that doesn't overlook the need for people to enjoy their lives while they prepare for the future." (AudioFile Magazine)

    "Josh is a great resource and expert in assembling thoughtful investment strategies for millennials to baby boomers. His against-the-grain and fresh insight offers traditional investors an opportunity to live a financially fulfilling life while setting themselves up for a secure and enjoyable retirement." (Harry S. Dent, best-selling author and renowned economic forecaster)

    "'It is not every day that a book comes along that changes the way you think about investing and saving. Investing isn't just about accumulating. Investing should let you 'spend 'til the end.' Josh's book is revolutionary. He offers valuable and important tax-smart guidance that will help you enjoy your money in your working and retirement years. Go read this book now!" (Dr. Larry Kotlikoff, world-renowned economist and New York Times best-selling author)

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