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Couverture de Rethinking Pink

Rethinking Pink

De : Krystal Gill
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    Can you imagine how it feels to have peace and unconditional love flowing all around you at a time when you are feeling so helpless and vulnerable? Rethinking Pink is not a testimony on the color of the sexes, but it is about the remarkable way in which God used a pink bouquet of flowers to walk the author through what she calls her greatest testimony. God showed her who He is, and let her experience victory during a time many people would have felt completely defeated. Please join her as she recalls the experience that has brought her closer to understanding the depth of God's love and who He is. It is hoped that you will find a way to rethink how to embrace the challenges you are presently undergoing. Perhaps you can even revisit some past circumstances and view them differently.

    Krystal Joyce Simmons Gill is a native of Newark, New Jersey. In her youth she was afforded the opportunity to study abroad in Barcelona Spain where she learned to love the Spanish language and people. She continued her language studies in college and upon graduation began teaching the Spanish language to middle school students in Syracuse, New York. She boasts of a resume totally designed by God's plan for her life. It encompasses teaching students from pre-K through college and includes living abroad in Costa Rica and Japan. She is an evangelist missionary under the direction of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. Although a lover of travel, she has been temporarily grounded due to a spinal cord injury incurred in 2015. Presently, she lives with her devoted husband of 30 years and their only son.

    ©2022 Krystal Gill (P)2022 Krystal Gill

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