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  • Rethinking Autism

  • A Parent's Guide to Navigating Life with an Autistic Child: How to Identify Early Signs
  • De : Bev A. Lanier
  • Lu par : Keely Brown
  • Durée : 3 h et 15 min

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Rethinking Autism

De : Bev A. Lanier
Lu par : Keely Brown
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    Harness powerful communication strategies to become your child’s strongest ally and most valuable advocate.

    Are you struggling because your child doesn’t behave like the others? Frustrated with teachers or caretakers who aren’t helping? Want to fully understand your child to be a source of strength during challenges?

    You're not alone, and you've come to the right place.

    As a parent of a child with autism, you know each child has a unique path. Understanding your child’s communication, whether through words or gestures, is key. Reflecting on your own childhood can help you provide the patience and love they need.

    This guide on parenting a child with autism will support you every step of the way—from diagnosis to selecting the best therapies. Inside, you'll find:

    • Vital information on the 3 levels of autism and the best strategies for each.
    • The physiological reasons behind your child's behavioral challenges.
    • Key differences in communication between boys and girls, and why diagnosing girls can be harder.
    • True-life stories of how children with autism have enriched their parents' lives.
    • Signs to watch for if you suspect your child may have autism.

    We know time is precious. When your child is diagnosed with autism, it can feel overwhelming with all the appointments and new information.

    Breathe. Help is here. Soon, you'll be the expert on your child, successfully selecting strategies, therapies, and routines that work.

    If you’re ready to discover the joy and beauty of parenting a child with autism, scroll up and click “Add to Cart” right now!

    ©2023 Amanda Root (P)2024 Amanda Root

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