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Couverture de Retaking the Shot

Retaking the Shot

De : Kimberly Knight, Rachel Lyn Adams
Lu par : Tim Paige, Liam DiCosimo
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    "Ford, stay with me."

    Those were the last four words Ford Mahoney heard Emmett Cooper utter before everything went dark.

    When Ford wakes up in the hospital, it doesn't take long for him to realize he needs to confront the demons of his past. Meanwhile, the events of that night leave Coop envisioning a better future for himself.

    As they both try to find their way, they can't deny the bond they share. Yet, they struggle to fully embrace the love and acceptance they both deserve and crave.

    Tired of the back-and-forth, they decide to retake their shot at love, but continued obstacles with Coop's best friend, Ford's ex, and the person who once shattered Ford's world threaten their newfound happiness.

    As they skate through life's challenges together, Ford and Coop learn sometimes you have to drop the gloves and fight for what truly matters.

    Retaking the Shot is book two in the Off the Bench duet. It is not a standalone novel.

    ©2024 Kimberly Knight and Rachel Lyn Adams (P)2024 Podium Audio

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