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Couverture de Resilient as F--k

Resilient as F--k

De : Davina Davidson
Lu par : Davina Davidson
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    I have had so many challenges in my life. I sometimes look back and think it's amazing I'm still alive. I have felt like if I really shared ALL of what has happened and what I have been through, you wouldn't believe me. Hell, sometimes I don't believe it all myself.

    Here is what I do believe. I believe it is always darkest before dawn. I believe there is ALWAYS a way. I believe as fast as the pendulum swings one way, it eventually has to swing back the other. These foundational beliefs have helped me navigate some of the darkest moments in my life to rise and become Resilient as F--k.

    In this book, I share with you what I know to be true. I trust that it will inspire you to live a courageous and empowered life.

    Davina Davidson is passionate about assisting people to achieve new levels of Personal Empowerment and Self-Mastery. Through her work as a Speaker, Coach, Counsellor, Mentor, and Body Worker, she assists Leaders to access greater Self-Awareness and develop their Emotional Intelligence to achieve greater meaning, purpose, and balance in their lives.

    ©2018 Davina Davidson (P)2024 Davina Davidson

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