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Rescuing the Light

De : Martín Prechtel
Lu par : Martín Prechtel
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    A collection of quotes and sayings from the oral teachings of a leading thinker, writer, and teacher of indigenous spirituality.

    Martin Prechtel is widely recognized as a profound and beloved teacher for our times. Raised in the Tzutujil Maya shamanic tradition, he has dedicated his life to the preservation and promulgation of indigenous spirituality. Rescuing the Light is a collection of Prechtel's quotes and sayings spanning the course of 15 years, and recorded at Bolad's Kitchen, a four-year course in New Mexico where students from all walks of life gather to receive hands-on training in language, history, cooking, farming, and crafts. Artist, musician, and storyteller, Prechtel teaches and initiates with passion and eloquence, awakening his students to the sacred realities present everywhere and at all times. 

    The quotes of wisdom and inspiration collected in this audiobook are earth-centric and animist. Divided into thematic sections, they range from the poetic and witty to the serious and direct. Sharing his deep shamanic wisdom within a grand overview of human history, Prechtel shows us how we can reconnect with the unique and unsuspected manifestations of our own sacred selves.

    ©2021 Martín Prechtel (P)2021 North Atlantic Books
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    “This is a very powerful soul-growth book, one of the most powerful in recent years. The ideas here for renewal and reorganizing are so fresh and new that they quicken the taste buds and put an expectant readiness in the legs!” (Coleman Barks, author of The Essential Rumi)

    “In a time of immense cultural insanity, Martín’s inimitable spirit echoes out through the words on these pages. As an Indigenous woman, his words have had a profound healing impact on the generations in my bloodlines. Rescuing the Light will reverberate across the grand loom of time, a true gift for the transformative times we find ourselves in. This book helps us remember how to be good future ancestors and responsible descendants. Kí:ken iewennahnotáhkhwa. Ionkwaienawá:se aonsaionkwehiahráhkwen oh ní:ioht ahonnonkwe’tiióhake tsi nén:we ne ionkhihsothokón:’a akénhake tánon aionkhiniáhese tsi nikionkwathwatsirí:non.” (Rowen White, Mohawk Seedkeeper, farmer, and storyteller of the Indigenous Seedkeepers Network) 

    “After reading Rescuing the Light, I feel like I’ve been planted at this moment with spiritual common sense and that I don’t have to solve the mystery but know the acceptance of amazement.” (Tiokasin Ghosthorse, host of First Voices Indigenous Radio - all-Native hosted, all-Native produced) 

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