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Couverture de Rescuing Angie

Rescuing Angie

De : Ellie Masters
Lu par : Avery Caris, Tim Paige
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    He’s not damaged. He’s beautifully broken.

    Bravo Team; a whole new series of Protector Romances showcasing the Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists. Rescuing Angie is the first book in the exhilarating new BRAVO TEAM series, and it’s a scorcher! These former Navy SEALs, DELTA Operatives, and Special Ops soldiers turned Guardians & Protectors are guaranteed to capture your heart and leave you breathless.

    Brady, Bravo One: After a brutal year of recovery following life-threatening injuries, Brady wears his scars both inside and out. He may be damaged, but he’s not broken. He's back, ready for action, and prepared to do whatever it takes to rescue those who’ve been taken.

    He’s a Guardian—body, heart, mind, and soul—and it’s past time for Bravo Team to return to duty.

    When a Nicaraguan cartel kidnaps the widow of the doctor who saved his SEAL team, Brady’s prepared to move heaven and earth to rescue Angie Maddox. He’ll fulfill the promise he made on her husband’s grave; to be there, if she’s ever in need.

    What he’s not prepared for is how hard he falls for the beautiful widow. No woman wants a damaged man with disfiguring scars. But that won’t stop Brady. He knows what he wants and will put everything on the line to convince Angie he’s the right man to stand by her side.

    If you’re looking for Angsty, Steamy, Heart-Stopping, Pulse-Pounding, Can’t-Stop-Reading Romantic Suspense filled with all of your Sexy, Swoon-worthy Passionate and Protective Men, and you crave an unpausable, listen-all-night, edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense that sweeps you off your feet and leaves your heart racing, then you need to listen to Rescuing Angie!

    Grab it today—let Brady and the Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists restore your belief in modern day heroes.

    Meet BRAVO Team, former military special ops soldiers turned hostage rescue specialists. With dangerous missions, heroic rescues, nail-biting suspense, and sizzling romance, the entire series is an addictive adrenaline rush from the first moment to the last. Fierce protectors, the Guardians are a band of brothers who'll face any danger to rescue those who've been taken.

    The Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists are passionate contemporary, steamy military romances with protective heroes and the fearless heroines who steal their hearts. While each book can be listened to as a standalone, much is gained by listening to the series in order.

    No cliffhangers. No cheating. HEA guaranteed. Each book is a different couple.

    ©2022 Ellie Masters (P)2024 JEM Publishing

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