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  • Rescued by the Warlord (A Sci Fi Alien Dark Romance)

  • Warlords of Ceres, Book 2
  • De : Bridget Brislin
  • Lu par : JT Farrell
  • Durée : 5 h et 41 min

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Rescued by the Warlord (A Sci Fi Alien Dark Romance)

De : Bridget Brislin
Lu par : JT Farrell
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    Isabelle could hardly wait until she graduated from high school. The plan was to run away from her unhappy home and start a new life, but she ended up a slave to a monster.

    Warlord Lufar spent over 20 years looking for the right female, and he finally found her in the most unexpected of places - in his dreams. His "Female of the Mist", as he had named her, met him every night in his dreams and begged him to help her. His heart told him that she was the one he had been searching for and he knew she was in danger. He had to find her, rescue her, and bring her home to Ceres. But how? The universe was a big place, and she was out there somewhere. He prayed to the one God to help him find her. Will his prayers be answered? Will he reach her in time?

    Rescued by the Warlord is a dark, sci-fi, alien romance, containing explicit sexual scenes and power exchanges. It is a story of trauma, healing, understanding, and love. It may contain triggers for some listeners. If such subject matter offends you, please do not buy this book.

    ©2019 Bridget Brislin (P)2019 Bridget Brislin

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