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  • Renal Diet Cookbook

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Managing Kidney Disease with Low-Sodium, Low-Potassium, and Low-Phosphorous Recipes
  • De : Helen Williams
  • Lu par : Jenny Pear
  • Durée : 2 h et 38 min

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Renal Diet Cookbook

De : Helen Williams
Lu par : Jenny Pear
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    Do you have Kidney issues? This diet will help you!

    Did you know that your kidneys filter about 45 gallons of blood every day? 

    You should really respect these hard-working organs and take care of them if they don't function as well as they should.

    Kidney disease isn't easy to manage, but diet can play an enormous role in improving or worsening the symptoms. Most importantly, you have to control your intake of protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus.

    This audiobook offers dietary strategies to control the intake of protein and the chemical elements that can influence the functioning of your kidneys. It offers clear guidelines that you can easily follow, detailed food suggestions, and lifestyle tips that will make it easier to stick to a kidney-friendly diet.

    Here's what you'll discover in this audiobook:

    • The common lifestyle habit that makes you eat too much sodium - learn to avoid it at all costs!
    • The surprising truth about alcohol and kidney disease
    • Ready-made meal plans that you can try right now or discuss with your dietitian
    • The 17 foods that must be avoided if you care about your kidneys
    • Kidney-friendly weight loss strategies and much more!

    You can follow the Renal Diet even if you have limited time and cooking experience. The meal plans are carefully constructed so that they're easy to stick to and don't require you to spend hours in the kitchen.

     Some Frequently Asked Questions: 

    Q: Should I stick to the Renal Diet if my kidneys are healthy?

    A: If your doctor says your kidneys are OK, you don't have to adhere to the Renal Diet strictly. However, many of its key ideas, such as focusing on high-quality protein and limiting sodium intake, should be the foundation of your diet in any case.

    Q: Do I need to consult a doctor before trying the Renal Diet?

    A: Yes. If you have kidney disease, your diet should be based on your unique condition. Only a doctor can diagnose you properly, so don't hesitate to ask for professional medical advice.

    Help your kidneys live through hard times with this kidney-friendly diet!

    Buy this audiobook now!

    Public Domain (P)2020 Helen Williams

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