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Couverture de Reinventing Virtual Events

Reinventing Virtual Events

De : Justin Michael, Julia Nimchinski
Lu par : Tim Andres Pabon
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    Make your next webinar something to write home about

    In Reinventing Virtual Events: How to Turn Ghost Webinars Into Hybrid Go-To-Market Simulations That Drive Explosive Attendance, a team of accomplished sales and coaching leaders delivers an insightful and engaging take on how to go from just holding your webinar audiences captive to truly captivating them. In the book, you’ll learn a novel way to produce online experiences the authors call “Customer-Centric Events,” hybrid, go-to-market simulations that generate high levels of attendance and participation.

    The authors upend conventional wisdom to show you how to create unconventional webinars that dazzle prospective customers and flood your pipeline. You’ll discover how to:

    • Transform your product-centric pitch-offs into innovative customer-centric events that activate and engage your ideal audience
    • Use the authors’ signature G.A.M.E.S. framework to drive high-quality leads
    • Build buzz, engagement, and interactivity directly into your virtual event and attract the top speakers in your industry

    A can’t-miss playbook that turns everything you know about virtual events on its head―and shakes it up for good measure―Reinventing Virtual Events is an essential listen for founders, sales professionals, business owners, marketing professionals, and anyone else with a stake in developing successful and engaging online and hybrid events.

    ©2023 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (P)2023 G&D Media

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