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De : Ralf Eisend
Lu par : Ralf Eisend
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In the shadow of the Himalayas, a young boy's destiny intertwines with the fate of a nation. In the 1930's, as Tibet teeters on the brink of change, the search for the 14th Dalai Lama begins.

From the death of his predecessor to his dramatic flight from the Chinese invaders into exile, this sweeping tale follows the Dalai Lama's extraordinary journey. We witness the ancient rituals of identifying a reincarnated lama, the political intrigues of a country in turmoil, and the coming-of-age of a spiritual leader in a rapidly changing world.

As the story unfolds, the looming threat of Chinese aggression casts a dark shadow over Tibet's serene landscape. The novel vividly portrays the systematic destruction of centuries-old monasteries, the forced disbanding of monastic communities, and the brutal suppression of religious practices that have long been the cornerstone of Tibetan culture.

Set against the backdrop of Tibet's rich cultural tapestry and impending upheaval, "Reincarnation: The Dalai Lama’s Quest" weaves together history, spirituality, and human drama. This meticulously researched novel offers a rare glimpse into one of the most fascinating and controversial succession processes in the world, while also chronicling the devastating impact of China's cultural genocide on Tibet's spiritual heritage.

©2024 Ralf Eisend (P)2024 Ralf Eisend
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