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Couverture de Reframing Academic Leadership

Reframing Academic Leadership

De : Lee G. Bolman, Joan V. Gallos
Lu par : Kris Koscheski
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    Colleges and universities constitute a special type of organization; and their complex mission, dynamics, personnel structures, and values require a distinct set of understandings and skills to lead and manage them well. In Reframing Academic Leadership, Lee G. Bolman and Joan V. Gallos offer higher education leaders a provocative and pragmatic guide for: 

    • Crafting dynamic institutions where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. 
    • Creating campus environments that facilitate creativity and commitment 
    • Forging alliances and partnerships in service of the mission 
    • Building shared vision and campus cultures that unite and inspire 
    • Serving the larger goals of the academy and society 

    Throughout the book, the authors integrate powerful conceptual frameworks with rich and compelling real-world cases to support academic leaders searching for the best in themselves and in their institutions. The book tackles thorny issues such as building institutional clarity and capacity, managing conflict, coping with difficult people, partnering with the boss, and developing leadership resilience. 

    Following in the tradition of Bolman and Deal's classic Reframing Organizations, Bolman and Gallos emphasize a pragmatic approach. They tease out the unique challenges and opportunities in academic leadership and provide ideas, tools, and encouragement to help higher education leaders see more clearly, feel more confident, and become more skilled and versatile in handling the vicissitudes of daily life. Reframing Academic Leadership is the resource for those seeking to understand, develop, and manage colleges and universities. 

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (P)2012 Tantor Audio

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