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  • Rediscovering Christmas

  • Surprising Insights into the Story You Thought You Knew
  • De : AJ Sherrill, Rich Villodas
  • Durée : 7 h

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Couverture de Rediscovering Christmas

Rediscovering Christmas

De : AJ Sherrill, Rich Villodas
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    A profound exploration of the Bible’s Christmas story that delivers surprising insights to embrace the ancient wonder of the holiday season.

    “If you want this Christmas to be the best ever, read this book. Rediscovering Christmas opened my eyes to a world of meaning I had never known.”—Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of Gates of Fire and The War of Art

    Are you tired of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and empty during the holiday season? Instead of getting caught up in the hustle and bustle, are you ready to slow down, catch your breath, and rediscover the true beauty of Christmas?

    This captivating collection of readings explores the intersection where the ancient context meets the present moment. Pastor AJ Sherrill invites you into an experience designed to renew your mind, reawaken your heart, rekindle your awe, and restore your body. Rediscovering Christmas is divided into two sections: Advent, which teaches the purpose of waiting, and Christmas, which reveals the joy of receiving. Through meaningful reflections, practices, and illustrations, you’ll see the diverse characters of the first Christmas in a new light—and comprehend just how their stories intertwine with your own.

    Return to it year after year, and let it refresh your heart and mind about the wonder of Christmas. Rediscovering Christmas is a timeless companion that will become a cherished tradition in your holiday season.

    ©2024 AJ Sherrill (P)2024 Random House Audio


    “If you want this Christmas to be the best ever, read this book—and read it slowly, chapter by chapter, in the weeks leading up to December 25. Rediscovering Christmas opened my eyes to a world of meaning I had never known.”—Steven Pressfield, bestselling author of Gates of Fire and The War of Art

    “This little (but powerful) text packs a punch—with insightful historical knowledge, keen biblical sensitivity, biting cultural critique, and compassionate pastoral love. It gives the Advent season a whole new level of excitement for the follower of Jesus.”—A. J. Swoboda, PhD, professor, author, and pastor

    Rediscovering Christmas draws us into the mystery and messiness of the birth of Jesus Christ in our broken world. . . . AJ invites us to place one foot in the ancient Christmas story and our other foot in our own everyday lives.”—Trevor Hudson, minister in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa and author of In Search of God’s Will

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