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Couverture de Redemption Through the Roof

Redemption Through the Roof

De : David B. Smith
Lu par : David B. Smith
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    The journey may be difficult, but if you go to this Healer, there can be but one outcome!

    It’s the most colorful of Jesus’ amazing miracle healings. A man desperate for help has friends let him down through the roof and right into the Savior’s lap! And this one gossiped-about infusion of divine power speaks volumes to us today. Because a caring Friend is anxious to bless and heal us too!

    Whether we are struggling with medical issues, or a faltering marriage, a pink slip from work, or even the numb frustration of a Christian faith gone stale, this classic Bible story encourages us: do not allow ANYTHING to keep you apart from this generous Helper. Not the solar panels on a roof, not a habit, not your social-media distractions, not a cynical colleague, not a too-busy schedule. Jesus is near! Go! Find Him right now

    With humor and passion brought to these pages from his childhood home in Bangkok, David is also author of the Rachel Marie series of Asia-based love stories. He recently retired as a math professor at San Bernardino Valley College and two decades as head scriptwriter at Voice of Prophecy, a Christian radio ministry. He and brother Dan have co-authored three books together: "Once Saved Almost Always Saved," "Behold, He Comes!," and "Simon and Mary," all available as Audible titles.

    ©2024 Waldo Publishing (P)2024 Waldo Publishing

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