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Couverture de Redemption Prep

Redemption Prep

De : Samuel Miller
Lu par : Em Eldridge
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    Twin Peaks meets Riverdale in this twisty atmospheric mystery from the critically acclaimed author of A Lite Too Bright, Samuel Miller, about the search for a missing girl at an elite prep school.

    Everyone knows Emma. Neesha’s her best friend, Aiden’s her basketball star boyfriend, and Evan’s her shadow, following Emma’s every move.

    Emma stands out, which is hard to do at Redemption Prep, a school where every student has been handpicked to attend its remote campus in the forest of Utah. So when she goes missing in plain sight during mass, everyone notices.

    And everyone becomes a suspect, especially at a school with so many rules: Don’t skip mass. Don’t break curfew. Don’t go into the woods.

    Emma’s disappearance ignites an investigation, and Neesha, Aiden, and Evan all want to find her - for different reasons. But they each have their own secrets to hide, and not everyone wants Emma to be found.

    As the search continues, the students start to realize that they’re not the only ones trying to hide something. Redemption Prep has secrets, too - secrets bigger than any of the students could have imagined, and Emma could be the key to finding out the truth...if anyone can find her.

    ©2020 Samuel Miller (P)2020 Katherine Tegen Books

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