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Couverture de Reboot Sofa

Reboot Sofa

De : Emmanuel Simms
Lu par : Jay C Seright
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    Reboot Sofa: Hood's Redemption by Emmanuel Simms is a gripping tale set in the heart of Neo Haven, a city where the past and present intertwine in the lives of its inhabitants. This contemporary narrative reimagines the classic story of Robin Hood, transforming him into a modern-day, black urban figure grappling with the complexities of life in a rapidly changing world.

    In this captivating audiobook, listeners are introduced to Robin Hood, a man burdened by the responsibilities of fatherhood and the shadows of his former life. Seeking redemption and a new path, Robin's life takes an unexpected turn when he learns about 'Reboot Sofa', a reality show that offers individuals like him a chance at a fresh start.

    As the story unfolds, Robin's journey intersects with that of Maid Marian, now a dedicated social worker bearing her own scars. Their shared past and renewed acquaintance bring to light unresolved tensions and kindling emotions. Set against the backdrop of Neo Haven's vibrant cityscape, their story becomes a compelling exploration of redemption, personal growth, and the complexities of modern-day relationships.

    Emmanuel Simms masterfully narrates this tale, weaving together a rich tapestry of characters and experiences. His storytelling captures the essence of Neo Haven's diverse culture, the struggles and triumphs of its people, and the enduring power of hope and connection.

    "Reboot Sofa: Hood's Redemption" is more than just an audiobook; it's an immersive experience that will resonate with listeners long after the story ends. Perfect for fans of contemporary drama and reimagined classics, this audiobook promises to be a journey of transformation and discovery.

    ©2023 Emmanuel Simms (P)2024 In Vivo Exposure LLC

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