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Rebel with a Cause

De : Darcus Beese
Lu par : Darcus Beese
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    'Darcus Beese is a formidable cat' CHUCK D

    'An inspiration' ANNIE LENNOX

    'A prince of a man' BONO

    The must-read memoir from Darcus Beese - the first black president of Island Records and one of the greatest A&Rs of his generation. From growing up as a teenager on the streets of West London to running one of the biggest record labels in the world in New York - this is a truly remarkable rags to riches tale.

    Rebel With a Cause is the story of how a teenage apprentice hairdresser from Fulham worked his way up from teaboy to head one of the UK's biggest and most successful record labels, Island Records, signing and nurturing some of the greatest artists of the twenty-first century - from Amy Winehouse and Jessie J to U2 and Florence and the Machine.

    But this is also the story of a young man raised in musically fertile and politically febrile times. His activist parents Darcus Howe and Barbara Beese were tireless campaigners for racial equality at a time when racism was rife, not only on the streets, in schools and on the terraces, but also in the highest institutions of power. Fighting for equality - for himself and for his artists - has therefore been a key part of Darcus's life.

    This is the incredible tale of an indomitable leader, an industry pioneer and rebel with a true cause.
    ©2024 Darcus Beese (P)2024 Bonnier Books UK

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