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Couverture de Rebel Summer

Rebel Summer

De : Cindy Steel
Lu par : Marli Watson
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    Every good summer has a little bad…

    I wasn’t supposed to be in Sunset Harbor for more than a weekend. But thanks to—let’s just call it—an unforeseen act of stupidity on my part, I’m here for the whole summer. And for the first time in my life, I’m in a whole lot of trouble.

    The sentence? Community service paid toward the person I accidentally wronged.

    The problem? That person happens to be Dax Miller. The guy who always spent more time fighting the law than obeying it. Also, the guy I once told to have a nice life amounting to nothing.

    So… it’s been fun that I’m court ordered to serve him now.

    Except the more time I spend with Dax fighting and fixing what was broken, the more I remember that sizzling…something… that’s always been between us. Or that smile of his that can get me to do just about anything. Let me be clear, I don’t do trouble. But what happens when the temptation to embrace that inner rebel becomes too strong to resist?

    And what do I do when the guy who has only dated trouble his entire life, has his sights set on me?

    Rebel Summer is a sweet, closed-door romance full of sizzle, witty banter, and chemistry but without explicit content.

    This book is part of the Falling for Summer series, seven interconnected standalones by seven amazing authors that can be enjoyed in any order.

    ©2024 Cindy Steel (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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