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Couverture de Rebel Revenge

Rebel Revenge

De : Elle Thorpe
Lu par : Michelle Sparks, Michael Gallagher, Gregory Salinas, Troy Duran
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    "You may now kiss your bride".

    They were the last words my mother heard before she collapsed on the church steps, poison ending her pitifully short life.

    When her new husband dies minutes later, all eyes turn to me.

    There are whispers. Accusations. The verdict is split.

    I murdered them both. Or I'm the next to die.

    To catch a killer, I move myself into my new stepbrother's house in the fancy town of Providence. With its million dollar mansions and ocean views, it's a far cry from the seedy Saint View underbelly I grew up in.

    But my new life delivers more than I ever could have bargained for—and three men I never saw coming:

    • Fang, the biker gang enforcer everyone is terrified of. Everyone, but me. When he finds the bruises I've been hiding, he swears to stand by my side while I have my revenge on the men who hurt me.
    • Vaughn, my cocky new stepbrother. The way he looks at me is anything but brotherly. With half his dad's fortune left to me, we might both be searching for the murderer, but he's my prime suspect.
    • And Kian, my new roommate and Vaughn's enemy. The streetfighter is funny and sweet, but violence darkens his eyes when he hears about my past. Hiding secrets of his own, he joins the hunt.

    With every lie we uncover, every secret we expose, the danger mounts.

    Until there's only one thing we know for sure.

    The killer is still out there.

    And we're his next targets.

    Rebel Revenge is an adult, #whychoose romance, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. This book contains romantic suspense and dark themes that may trigger some listeners. It is the first book in an ongoing trilogy.

    ©2023 Elle Thorpe Pty Ltd (P)2023 Elle Thorpe Pty Ltd

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