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Couverture de Rebecca's Choice

Rebecca's Choice

De : Heidi Gallacher
Lu par : Bronwen Price
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    Can Rebecca find the love and passion she craves within a Victorian world that seems to be conspiring against her?’

    It is 1887 and Queen Victoria is on the throne. Businessman and meteorologist Geoffrey de Roussier is passionate about his weather station and railways, yet little of his passion seems to filter through to his shy, naïve young wife, Rebecca. 

    Following his tragic demise, Rebecca discovers that Geoffrey’s railroad investments have failed, leaving her penniless. As the past threatens to engulf her, Rebecca realises she has to make a choice. Gwilym Llewellyn, Geoffrey’s trusted friend and advisor, has an emotional debt to repay to Geoffrey and meets Rebecca to offer her a solution. Meanwhile Rebecca has found passion in another direction.... 

    One man will save her from destitution, the other will offer her the love and excitement that she aches for. Whom will she choose?  

    This book has a beautiful setting in Cardiff, South Wales. If you like a good mix of an evocative depiction of the Victorian era and a modern-thinking heroine then Rebecca’s Choice is the novel for you. 

    This is Heidi Gallacher’s debut novel, a compelling historical Victorian romance. Pick up Rebecca’s Choice today to lose yourself in this wonderful story! 

    Rebecca’s Choice was awarded five stars and is a Recommended Read by The Coffee Pot Book Club. It also placed third for Debut Novel 2020 (Coffee Pot Book Club).

    ©2019 Heidi Gallacher (P)2020 Heidi Gallacher


    "This is a story that is utterly beguiling from the opening sentence to the very last full stop." (Author Mary Anne Yarde)

    "The historical details are so skilfully woven in that the reader steps with ease into the late 19th century." (Author Liz Harris)

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