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Couverture de Realm Leaper

Realm Leaper

De : P.E. Craven
Lu par : Juniper London
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    This debut romantasy novel by P.E. Craven kicks off the thrilling story of The Realm Leaper. Follow Sage and her friends as they grapple with destiny. This slow-burn high-fantasy is only the beginning of an epic adventure through worlds of fae, magic, and plot twists.

    Can fate be escaped? Even by crossing into a different world?

    Fallen from the sky in a burning ball of flames, she is battered, bruised, and can't remember who she is or where she came from. The only thing she is certain of is that this world is not her own. Stranded in a world of fae, Sage must face her own dark past to recover her memories and answer the question: What--or who-- is she running from? As ominous messages and threats mount, Sage will have to decide whether to keep running, or stay and trust her new fae friends and her own powerful magic. The fate of the worlds--and the people she loves-- are threatened by the forces of darkness and evil once again, and she is at the center of it all. Despite her best efforts, Sage feels the pull of fate to step into her own destiny. But she cannot do it alone.

    Gavin has spent the past ten years avoiding the shackles of responsibility looming over him as a young Lord in training. After knowing firsthand what the grueling battle for freedom cost, he isn't about to give that freedom up. But everything changes when a strange, human girl crashes into his world in a burning ball of flames. Gavin, inexplicably drawn to Sage, finds himself helping her reclaim her memories--and her powers. But all is not well in the Kingdom of Felysia. The Dark Born are on the move again, threatening the fragile peace of Gavin's homeland. This time, they have their sights on an even greater weapon than they had before. Gavin feels the pull of fate to step into his destiny, but only if he can convince the Realm Leaper to step into her own.

    For lovers of Throne of Glass, Daughter of Smoke & Bone, and The Priory of the Orange Tree.

    ©2022 P.E. Craven (P)2024 P.E. Craven

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