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Real Talk About Sex and Consent

De : Cheryl M. Bradshaw
Lu par : Cheryl M. Bradshaw
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    "A truly vital and nuanced guide that is as empowering as it is educational." (School Library Journal [starred review])

    You deserve clear, accurate information about sexual consent! Let this honest and empowering book be your go-to guide.

    Let’s get real: Sex is complicated. Like, really complicated. And as a teen, you need trusted resources to help you navigate sexual issues without shame, guilt, or judgment. But if you’re like many teens, you may not have someone in your life that you can talk to openly about complicated sexual situations and what consent really means - and this information is crucial for your health, safety, and happiness.

    Real Talk About Sex and Consent is a comprehensive guide with essential information about setting boundaries, coercion, reciprocity, and communication. You’ll also find hard facts about sex and trauma, the effects of pornography and cultural expectations, and much more. With this book, you’ll learn how to make sexual decisions that honor your sense of values and cultivate rewarding and emotionally supportive relationships throughout your life.

    This book goes past simple definitions of sex and consent and explores the hidden pressures, misrepresented expectations, and realities of sex - and what to do about it all.

    It’s time to get informed and take control of your sexual self. This book will give you the tools you need to make decisions that are right for you.

    ©2020 Cheryl M. Bradshaw (P)2021 Cheryl M. Bradshaw

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