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Couverture de Real Recovery

Real Recovery

De : Grace McCready
Lu par : Moriah Fellwock
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    Grace McCready was a thin, beautiful girl; but when she looked in the mirror, all she saw was fat and ugly. What started out as Grace trying to lose a little weight by slowly changing her diet led to telling lies, starving herself, and exercising herself nearly to death. As Grace developed a relationship with Ed (Eating Disorder), she kept believing lies about who she was instead of who God created her to be. When her family finally realized the health crisis she was in, Grace was already so involved in her new lifestyle that she didn't want to give it up. But with the support of her family, doctors, counselors, and God, Grace climbed her way out of the brink of death and has made her way back to a healthy lifestyle.

    Using her own experiences, Grace challenges other girls through her book Real Recovery to reevaluate how they look at themselves and to embrace the body that God has given them.

    ©2022 Emerald House Group, Incorporated (P)2023 Emerald House Group, Incorporated

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