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  • Real Love in Parenting

  • Nine Simple and Powerfully Effective Principles for Raising Happy and Responsible Children
  • De : Greg Baer
  • Lu par : Greg Baer
  • Durée : 14 h et 32 min

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Real Love in Parenting

De : Greg Baer
Lu par : Greg Baer
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    “Greg Baer is the most unconditionally loving man on the face of the planet. Every parent needs to hear what he has to say.” (The Ed and Ruth Shaw Show, Talk America, nationally syndicated)

    Despite our best intentions, most of us are woefully unprepared to become parents. In Real Love in Parenting, you'll learn the answers to the questions below, and you'll discover that parenting can be deeply rewarding, instead of tedious and frustrating.

    • Why are children so often angry, rebellious, disobedient, and otherwise difficult? 
    • What is the real reason you get angry at your children? 
    • How can you teach your children to be loving, responsible, and happy? 
    • What should you teach your children about sex? 
    • What are your children trying to tell you (and why are you not hearing it)? 
    • What should you do when children quarrel with one another? 
    ©2005 Greg Baer (P)2007 Greg Baer

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