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  • Real Estate at a Crossroads

  • The Insider's Guide for Agents, Brokers, and Execs
  • De : Gregory Charlop
  • Lu par : Macken Murphy
  • Durée : 9 h et 21 min

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Real Estate at a Crossroads

De : Gregory Charlop
Lu par : Macken Murphy
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    Will we still need real estate agents in five years?

    For the first time, senior leaders from Redfin, eXp, and team up with mastermind Tom Ferry and top investors to predict the future of the real estate industry. Written for agents, brokers, executives, or anyone considering a career in real estate, Real Estate at a Crossroads is your insider’s guide.

    We answer critical questions:

    • Should you even go into real estate? How does a new agent succeed? 
    • Will computers replace real estate agents? 
    • Can you be a part-time real estate agent? 
    • How should you use social media? 
    • Will real estate commissions fall? 
    • What are iBuyers and how will they impact the industry? 
    • What’s blockchain and Bitcoin? Do you need to worry about them? 
    • How can traditional real estate brokerages compete with virtual real estate companies?
    • What are chatbots and virtual assistants? Should you use them? 
    • What’s up with new technology like virtual and augmented reality, voice assistants like Alexa, and artificial intelligence? 
    • How can elite agents stay on top of their game? 
    • What is a social entrepreneur and how can you weave philanthropy into your business? 

    Real Estate at a Crossroads features compelling interviews with 18 real estate leaders. We will show you how the industry is changing and how you can use technology to make a killing! Periods of rapid change are the best time to make a fortune - and this book has the secrets you need to win at real estate. 

    Author Gregory Charlop is a physician, speaker, social entrepreneur, and senior housing expert. He writes for Inman News and is the founder of The Real Estate Flash, the leading real estate show on Amazon’s Alexa. He’s the CEO of Dignified Housing, Inc. which helps seniors and the disabled find affordable homes.

    ©2019 Gregory Charlop (P)2019 Gregory Charlop

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