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  • Read Yourself Happy

  • How a Good Book Habit Can Ease Your Anxiety
  • De : Daisy Buchanan
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Read Yourself Happy

De : Daisy Buchanan
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    You’ve recognized (like millions of us) that you're anxious. So, what now?

    Daisy Buchanan doesn't have the answer – but she's found something to soothe her incessant questioning. When Daisy first felt worry consume her as a child, she turned to the wonder of reading. Somehow, as a grown-up (or a person trying to be one) she turned to food, alcohol and online shopping instead, but these momentary highs made her feel lower still. Eventually diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder, she returned to reading and soon discovered that losing herself in a good book helped her find so much more: her confidence through characters, her sexuality through racy romps and more and more peace with every page.

    In READ YOURSELF HAPPY, Daisy Buchanan - writer, broadcaster and host of the You're Booked podcast - combines her own journey, the wisdom of the characters, writers and literary worlds she has loved and the advice of experts to help you read yourself calmer, read yourself romantic, read yourself free from addiction and so much more. This book will help you form one of the healthiest habits you already have at your fingertips.

    FIRST-HAND INTERVIEWS: Features original interviews with David Nicholls, Helen Tupper, Sarah Ellis, Ruby Rare, Catherine Gray, Bryony Gordon, and more.

    Daisy Buchanan is an award-winning journalist, author, and broadcaster. She hosts the chart-topping podcast, You're Booked, where she interviews legendary writers from all over the world about their reading habits. She often appears on Woman's Hour, Times Radio, and Good Morning Britain and has written six books including Careering (Sphere, 2022) which was adapted by Radio Four and selected for the BBC Sounds Book Club.

    ©2025 Daisy Buchanan (P)2025 DK Audio

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