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Couverture de Rapid Assault Warfare: Reclamation

Rapid Assault Warfare: Reclamation

De : Stephen D Tucker
Lu par : Benjamin Koenig
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    He thought his fighting days were over, but they have only just begun.

    The year is 2438. The planet has been transformed into a dystopian graveyard by a transmorphic alien super-virus. The world has been torn into two by a great conflict that has raged for three decades. Now, the infected run free, and humanity must make a stand.

    Yuri is a beat-up war veteran. He has seen death, destruction, and suffered great loss at the cold hands of battle that ravaged his arm, leaving him maimed and a broken soldier.

    Resigned to teaching, he never expected to be called up for a top-secret mission that could tip the balance of the continuous battle in the human's favour. Now, he leads a team of brave fighter pilots on a perilous mission with a single goal…to take out the source of the infection and end the war, once and for all.

    R.A.W (Rapid Assault Warfare): Reclamation is the first audiobook in an epic hardcore sci-fi horror and action series. It will transport you into a brutal future filled with monsters and bloodshed.

    ©2018, 2022 Mr Stephen Dennis Tucker (P)2023 Mr Stephen Dennis Tucker

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