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Couverture de Ranger Loyalty

Ranger Loyalty

De : Lynn Shannon
Lu par : Cindy Piller
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    No way to escape

    After the death of her fiancé, Olivia Leighton takes solace in her work as a wedding planner until she receives threatening messages. Hiding out isn't an option if she wants to keep her business afloat. But when she's attacked and almost kidnapped, it becomes frighteningly clear the lengths her stalker will go to.

    Texas Ranger Cole Donnelly is horrified by the assault on Olivia. In order to keep her safe, he agrees to go undercover as her assistant. But being close to the stunning woman, and witnessing firsthand her kindness and fortitude, leaves him questioning the reasons he's locked away his heart.

    With each bridal gown fitting and cake tasting, the peril mounts as Olivia's stalker grows bolder. Cole will do anything to protect her, but their forced proximity creates its own complication as he and Olivia grow closer. Can he capture her stalker before it's too late? Or will the next event Cole plans be Olivia's funeral?

    ©2024 Lynn Balabanos (P)2024 Lynn Balabanos

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