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Couverture de Ramona


De : Helent Hunt Jackson
Lu par : Boots Martin
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    Termed the Uncle Tom's Cabin of the southwestern Indians and the first protest novel of California, Ramona is the story of 3 cultures - Indian, Mexican, and Anglo - locked in combat. The upheaval and injustice are humanized through the romance of a beautiful half-Indian orphan who grow up as the ward of Señora Moreno in privileged surroundings, then falls in love with an Indian and joins him in a life of poverty and tragedy. The Ramona Pageant in Hemet, California, based on this romance, has played each year since 1923, reenacting the transition period between Mexican traditions and the new U.S. and state governments.
    ©1995 by The Audio Partners Publishing Corp. (P)1995 by The Audio Partners Publishing Corp.


    "The impact of [Jackson's] work makes it clear that a single person...can change the lives of millions. The defiant spirit that produced Ramona is the answer to complacency, to defeat, to injustice." (Michael Dorris, from the introduction to the Signet Classics edition of Ramona)

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