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  • Raising a Loving Family

  • Essential Guidance from the Talks and Wisdom of Rabbi Shimon Russell
  • De : Zalman Goldstein
  • Lu par : Shlomo Zacks
  • Durée : 9 h et 22 min

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Raising a Loving Family

De : Zalman Goldstein
Lu par : Shlomo Zacks
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    Drawn from more than 30 years of research, talks, and wisdom of the world-renowned parenting, marriage, and educational expert Rabbi Shimon Russell, this rich repository of foundational parenting psychology and practical, down-to-earth guidance will help set you on the way to create loving and enduring bonds with your children.

    Applicable for those parenting all ages and stages, it will help you navigate the challenges of raising children in today’s turbulent times, maintain clear emotions and sound reasoning when your family needs you most, and create a deeply loving marriage from which to do so.

    Includes: "The Journey of Parenting", "Raising a Loving Family", "The Home Environment", "Shalom Bayis", "The World of Emotions", "Schooling and Education", "Crisis Chinuch", "Creating a Support Network", "Inspiration and Encouragement".

    "This book should be in every home!" (Rabbi Dr. Benzion Twerski, PhD)

    “Contains a wealth of information!” (Sarah Chana Radcliffe, MEd, CPsych)

    “An extraordinarily valuable book!” (Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky)

    “I love this book and highly recommend it!” (Rabbi Shais Taub)

    “This book is outstanding!” (Dr. David J. Lieberman, PhD)

    “This book is timely, important, and a must-read!” (Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson)

    ©2022 Zalman Goldstein (P)2022 Zalman Goldstein

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