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Raising a Bilingual Child

De : Barbara Zurer Pearson
Lu par : Barbara Zurer Pearson
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    Raising a Bilingual Child, A step-by-step guide for parents

    This easily digestible guidebook prepares you for what to expect and what to do when you're parenting a bilingual-to-be. It also contains general background information that will take you beyond the how, to the why. The book provides you with solid scientific arguments for raising your child bilingually and outlines practical steps you can take to integrate two (or more) languages into your child's routine. It also includes many inspirational accounts from parents and childhood bilinguals. It dispels myths about bilingualism and explains how learning multiple languages at a young age can enhance your child's overall intellectual, emotional, and social development.

    Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph.D., is a bilingualism expert with more than thirty years of research experience in the fields of bilingualism and linguistics, first at the University of Miami (FL) and then at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her pioneering work on bilingual learning by infants and children and on language assessment has been published in scholarly journals and in the book Language and Literacy in Bilingual Children.

    ©2008, 2022 Barbara Zurer Pearson (P)2024 Barbara Zurer Pearson

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