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Couverture de Raising Monarchs from Egg to Butterfly

Raising Monarchs from Egg to Butterfly

De : Robert Sears, Cherie Tucker
Lu par : Rachel Newhouse
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    Discover how you can unlock the secret world of monarchs and witness nature’s magnificent metamorphosis

    Whenever you picture a butterfly, chances are, an eye-catching monarch comes to mind… with its vibrant orange wings adorned by intricate ebony veins and milky spots, dancing through the air like a living work of art. And while the self-proclaimed king of butterflies could arguably be the most recognizable of butterfly species…

    Did you know that they fly in slow motion at 5 to 12 flaps a second, compared to the average 20 flaps? Or that some of them fly for over 3,000 miles on an epic trek to seek warm summer weather…

    And that these migrating monarchs can live for over 9 months?

    These fascinating facts about monarchs only scratch the surface of the captivating world these creatures inhabit…

    If you're eager to delve deeper into their remarkable lives, you can raise monarchs from the comfort of your own home—and uncover a wealth of wonders you never knew existed.

    Start with this easy-to-understand guide to mastering the art of raising these winged wonders.

    Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover

    A comprehensive, easy-to-follow roadmap to raising monarch butterflies from start to finish

    Everything you need to know to prepare a safe and healthy habitat they can thrive in, plus how to care for milkweed plants to ensure your caterpillars are well-fed

    The key to successful egg collection – know when and how to do this crucial first step in your butterfly-raising journey

    A look into caterpillar care—and how to understand their behavioral changes and provide them with the optimal conditions to develop well

    The secret of successful metamorphosis and making sure each pupa is able to transform into butterfly

    Tips and tricks on troubleshooting common problems you may encounter during each phase of your butterflies’ development

    How to select the perfect release date… and what you can do to maximize their chances of survival in the wild

    ©2023 Robert D Sears (P)2024 Robert D Sears

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