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  • Raising Capital for Real Estate Investing

  • An In-Depth Look at 5 Methods to Raise the Money You Need to Start Your New Business Using Personal/Business Loans, Grants, Crowdfunding and Angel Investors
  • De : Randolph E. Brynner
  • Lu par : Griffin fitzsimons
  • Durée : 4 h et 6 min

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Raising Capital for Real Estate Investing

De : Randolph E. Brynner
Lu par : Griffin fitzsimons
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    Discover everything you need to know to generate the capital you need to take the real estate investing world by storm.

    Ninety percent of millionaires in the United States invest in real estate. Why? Because each and every one of them has done their homework, and they understand that investing in real estate is one of the best ways (if not the best way) to generate passive income in something that will only appreciate in value.

    You might be thinking, all of this sounds great, but where do I even get started? How do I possibly raise the capital needed to invest in real estate?

    Step 1: Enter real estate investing with the correct skills and knowledge.

    Step 2: Listen to this audiobook to gain those valuable needed skills and knowledge.

    Step 3: Get to work.

    In this guide, you will discover:

    • If real estate investing is the right path for you
    • Everything you need to know before you begin investing in real estate
    • The essentials you must have in place before you begin raising capital–with detailed information on how to write a business plan specifically for real estate investing
    • A look at the various types of real estate investment strategies
    • Five ways to raise capital for real estate investing, with the pros and cons and the exact steps to take to get started in each, so you are never left guessing your next move
    • And much more.

    Any sort of large investment can be intimidating, and real estate investing is no different. But if you go into it with the knowledge presented in this book, you will not only have a leg up on the competition, you will be setting yourself up for long-term success.

    Build an empire that your children and your children’s children can be proud of. Discover how to raise the capital you need to get started in real estate investing today.

    If you are ready to begin this next chapter in your life, then you should listen to this audiobook now!

    ©2023 Randolph E. Brynner (P)2023 Randolph E. Brynner

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