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  • Raising Calm Kids in a World of Worry

  • Tools to Ease Anxiety and Overwhelm
  • De : Ashley Graber, Maria Evans
  • Durée : 9 h

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Raising Calm Kids in a World of Worry

De : Ashley Graber, Maria Evans
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    The hands-on guide every parent needs to help their child conquer anxiety, fear, and overwhelm


    Kids today are more anxious than ever—and they have every right to be! But as a parent, it can be hard to watch your child struggle. Thankfully, there’s a lot you can do to help. Raising Calm Kids in a World of Worry introduces clinically informed, easy-to-implement strategies to help your child overcome their biggest worries and develop into joyful, emotionally resilient humans.

    After working with thousands of parents and children struggling with anxiety, psychotherapist and parent coach team Ashley Graber and Maria Evans identified five key practices that consistently reduce worry—both in the moment and over the long run. Together, these form the basis of SAFER Parenting: Set the Tone, Accept Feelings to Guide Behaviors, Form Identity, Engage Like a Pro, and Role Model. Walking readers through each practice, Graber and Evans reveal what parents are missing when it comes to spotting their child’s signs of anxiety, and show how you can use your own sense of calm to:

    • Manage big feelings and guide your child toward productive coping tools
    • Have difficult and emotionally-charged conversations without losing your cool
    • Learn to foster open conversation through therapist-approved techniques
    • Nurture your child's confidence and independence
    • Create psychological safety in the home to increase calm and lower anxiety

    Meeting parents where they are, Raising Calm Kids In a World of Worry shows how despite having plenty of reasons to worry, your child can find their safe harbor in you.

    ©2025 Ashley Graber and Maria Evans (P)2025 Penguin Audio

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