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  • Raising Animals on Your Mini Farm

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Raising Farm Animals on 10 Acres or Less
  • De : Kelli Parmenter
  • Lu par : Ron AAlgar Watt
  • Durée : 3 h et 52 min

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Raising Animals on Your Mini Farm

De : Kelli Parmenter
Lu par : Ron AAlgar Watt
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    Turn your patch of land into a profitable mini farm in less than a year, even if you've never raised an animal in your life

    Are you constantly dreaming of a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle?

    Do you envision yourself waking up to the gentle crowing of roosters, collecting fresh eggs, and meandering around a piece of land you can call your own?

    Are you hesitating to step into this dream because you fear the complexities and commitment required to start your mini farm?

    Then, you're not alone!

    Millions of Americans harbor the dream of living off their land but are held back by the uncertainty of diving into the unknown waters of farming.

    According to a USDA report, over 40% of the U.S. farmland is operated by someone other than its owner, indicating that the dream of owning and managing a farm is often overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty.

    But imagine having a comprehensive guide that translates these complex processes into simple, actionable steps - a roadmap that empowers you to convert your little plot into a nourishing, profitable hub of life.

    That's precisely what "The Best Animals to Raise on a Mini Farm: Make a Profit Raising Animals on 10 Acres or Less" offers you!

    ©2024 Kelli Parmenter (P)2024 Kelli Parmenter

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