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Rainbow Bridge

De : Joanna Cameron, Domina Captcha
Lu par : Joanna Cameron
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Are you happy with life? How are you doing with—“Who am I? Why am I here?” Are you aware that you are a multidimensional soul inside a human being? So how do you tap into your soul? This book will teach you, and it is easier than you may think. This is a book which goes boldly where few have gone. It offers a pathway, an experiential meditation to take you to the heart of your soul. Consciousness, or awareness, is now recognized as energy. That’s right! Consciousness is energy, physics. You are an energetic, vibrational being. And your DNA is now known to have a quantum, multidimensional attribute.

In 2012, the precession of the equinox signaled a new era for Earth and her inhabitants. For many, it was an awakening of sorts, as they began to experience heightened senses and intuition. They also started to feel a sense of Oneness with all life, and a desire to create peace on Earth. If you are one of these people, then you are probably feeling called to take the next step in your spiritual journey—transcending into higher consciousness and awareness. This book will guide you through the process of taking the Rainbow Bridge into the temple of your soul. In this book, you will learn about:

  • The importance of transcending into higher consciousness
  • How to take the Rainbow Bridge into the temple of your soul
  • What to expect when you reach the other side
  • How to maintain your connection with source energy

We are all on a journey—a journey of self-discovery and evolution. A journey that is taking us to places we never thought possible. A journey that is leading us into the unknown, to the edge of our beliefs and understanding of the very fabric of the known universe and beyond. Join us!

©2022 Trance Lady Productions, Inc (P)2022 Trance Lady Productions, Inc
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