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  • Raiders of the Shadow

  • An Adam Cain and Copernicus Smith Adventure: The Human Chronicles Legacy Series, Book 1
  • De : T.R. Harris
  • Lu par : Keith Sellon-Wright
  • Durée : 7 h et 4 min

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Raiders of the Shadow

De : T.R. Harris
Lu par : Keith Sellon-Wright
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    Copernicus Smith, everyone's favorite starship repairman, scoundrel and deep-cover spy, has stumbled upon a conspiracy of galactic proportions. It has also gotten him beat up, near death and a captive of the secretive Ryness Cartel. And they will continue to torture him until he reveals what he knows. The problem: He knows nothing.

    Now Adam Cain, Sherri Valentine and Riyad Tarazi are on the hunt for their friend and on-again, off-again teammate. But just when our heroes think they have the mystery figured out, something new jumps up that throws all their assumptions into a tailspin. This a conspiracy larger and more complex than anyone could imagine, and with the fate of the galaxy in the balance.

    Welcome to The Human Chronicles Legacy Series, a new set of stories featuring all your favorite characters from the original series. And throughout them all, Adam, Sherri and Riyad—as well as the mutants Panur and Lila—play prominent roles. This is same classic science fiction adventure, sarcastic banter, and situational humor you've come to expect from T.R. Harris.

    Now gear up, grab a weapon and get ready for the ride of a lifetime.

    ©2021 Tom Harris Creations, LLC (P)2022 Tantor

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