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  • Racism and White Fragility

  • Combating Racism and Teaching Race Consciousness
  • De : Barry Foster
  • Lu par : Orlena Cain
  • Durée : 1 h et 39 min

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Racism and White Fragility

De : Barry Foster
Lu par : Orlena Cain
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    Have you ever wondered what the origin of racism is? 

    Have you ever thought of what would happen if, even in your city, there was a great development of racism?

    Have you ever attended a school where, in every corner of the building, you experience racism?

    If you are interested in this topic, have experienced it closely, or simply interested in analyzing other points of view, this audiobook is for you. Listen to Racism and White Fragility: Combating Racism and Teaching Race Consciousness.

    Some people say that someone could act in a racist manner because of ignorance. Others say that racist people are being persuaded by others or copying others' behavior. However, none of this tells us how racism began or if we can get to the root cause.

    Racism is the assumption that one human race is superior to another. The intrinsic biological features of a person predetermine the social and moral features of the human.

    What you will find in the audiobook: 

    • Definition of racism
    • Racism throughout history
    • Racism after civil rights
    • Hypocrisy in American culture
    • Hypocrisy of democracy
    • Recent facts
    • How to teach racism to the younger generation

    If you are interested in this topic or simply you want to listen about some point of view that may be different from yours, just grab a copy of this book now.

    ©2020 Barry Foster (P)2020 Barry Foster

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