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De : Nicole Petrino-Salter
Lu par : Joseph Robert Courtemanche
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Race is a window into death and life investigated by a detective who has his own choice to make between heaven and hell.

Roman Diego, a thoroughbred assistant trainer, is found dead in his tack room at the Rainier Meadows Racetrack. Is the confused, barely covered young woman who had awakened next to the dead man a killer?

As Detective David James investigates the death of Roman Diego, a syringe containing a mystery liquid is discovered. The mystery deepens as the list of suspects gets longer. Who would want to kill Roman Diego, one of the "good guys"?

In this raw, romantic, and redemptive novel, David James searches for a common denominator between the suspects and the victim as the motive becomes harder to ignore.

©2018 Nicole Petrino-Salter (P)2022 Nicole Petrino-Salter
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