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Couverture de RReal Bandits: Gordo Villarreal

RReal Bandits: Gordo Villarreal

De : Amando Villarreal
Lu par : Julio Ricardo Lopez
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    The Story of Gordo Villarreal, brother of the famous lieutenant and right arm of the Tijuana Cartel, well known in one of the most violent cities in the country and the world.

    Nicknamed 6-1 Villarreal. He was detained in international waters along with his employer and compadre Mr. Lobo Arriaga Farias. This happened while they were sailing like any other day on the Dock Holiday yacht, and the United States government apprehended them. After this event, Gordo Villarreal was in charge of the entire 6-1 cell and its gunmen, drug trafficking, and all the power and problems that come with it.

    The cartel starts a real war against the government because of the confiscation of large amounts of drugs that had been stolen by the cartel from opposing gangs, as well as executions and kidnappings where the streets of Tijuana is the number one witness.

    ©2023 Amando Villarreal (P)2023 Amando Villarreal

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