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  • RNWY: A Space Adventure

  • A Social-Media Space Opera (RNWY Universe, Book 1)
  • De : P.A. Lopez
  • Lu par : Corrinne LePage
  • Durée : 12 h et 43 min

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Couverture de RNWY: A Space Adventure

RNWY: A Space Adventure

De : P.A. Lopez
Lu par : Corrinne LePage
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    "[W]ill leave readers eagerly anticipating the sequel." (Kirkus, featured book)

    "[S]cience fiction for the social media age, perfectly geared to a miniseries adaptation." (Publishers Weekly's BookLife)

    The year is 2399. Humans' "biological clocks" have been stopped for more than 250 years, freeing humanity from aging and death. AIs have rights and can even acquire full citizenship.

    It’s also fashion week. Antisocial fashion editor Pablo Starr - who runs Space Fashion Week via RNWY - is bored and depressed, as usual. He has endless riches and (like everyone in 2399) doesn't age, but he's been searching for his lost love for almost 100 years.

    Meanwhile, supermodel-turned-reality star Samantha (of mean-spirited holo-show Samantha!) is trying to make a name for herself as an inventor, but she's mocked by the media and her shallow coworkers.

    Their lives are connected, and changed, when DOS, an antiquated robot, crashes the Chanel show looking for Samantha.

    DOS has a wild story: His owner has been abducted by a Sention sim (a lifelike android made by Fashion Robotics), and Pablo will be next.

    See a full history, technological specs, and take the "AI Citizenship Test" at

    More about RNWY:

    Excerpts of RNWY were recently read at the female-driven 360Fashion & Tech "Robotic Dress Exhibition" held by Anina Net and the 360Fashion Network during New York Fashion Week. 

    "When I read a pre-release version of RNWY, I realized immediately the importance of getting this book out to the public," said Anina Net, CEO of 360Fashion Network. "With its strong female, techy character, enlightened ideas about AI rights, diversity, and inclusion, I'm extremely proud to have been one of the first to champion the book and be a catalyst to bring young women into the world of STEM through storytelling."

    ©2019 P.A. Lopez (P)2020 P.A. Lopez

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