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Quantum Engineering: Introspecting the Rabbit Hole

De : Michael Phoenix
Lu par : Michael Phoenix
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Observing the observed is not as simple as the physics and geometry of billiard balls on a table. The synchronicity of causality is not so coincidental as random effects spanning an unknown amount of time. How much impact the observer has on determining the outcome of the observed is a journey for the quantum engineer.

Understanding the influence of the mind and emotions on the fabric of reality requires more than a mere intellectual exercise. As a premise, the idea presented in Quantum Engineering is that an emotional field pervades the entirety of the human mechanism and envelops a quantized field of space surrounding the body. And the quantum engineer endeavors to use the quantum mechanical force applier that is the emotional body as a mechanism to influence the fabric of space time. The human body as a capacitor of electromagnetic energy is an idea founded on the notion that the bio-chemical electrical impulse functions by way of an innate intelligence.

Awareness and manipulation of this mechanism opens opportunities for perception of subtleties beyond the physical sensing apparatus. As an interface with between cosmic energy that pervades all space-time and the human experience, the nervous system in concert with the human breath offers avenues toward an experiential reality the expands beyond the tactile sense of the human body.

©2019 Michael Phoenix (P)2022 Michael Phoenix
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