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Couverture de Pyramidia


De : Stephanie Sanders-Jacob
Lu par : Eve Passeltiner
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    When Harriet moves to Bentwood to teach gifted students, her life doesn't go as planned. Between her haunted rental and her oddball neighbor, Lucy—who literally won't go away—Harriet is left questioning her own sanity. The beautiful Kelsey, whom she meets at the farmers market, offers the distraction she needs. Well, that, and the town's Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)—or pyramid-scheme.

    The enigmatic group of women selling wellness in the form of Serenitea, with their perfect hair, flawless skin, and piercing eyes. She is drawn to the tea, the wellness, the tranquility . . . So what if she has to sell a few bags of tea?

    You have a new descendant.

    Sinking deeper into Serenitea, Harriet can't stop drinking the tea. She keeps getting emails about new descendants—whatever the hell that means—and the gym teacher, Harold, is giving serious pervy vibes. Even Lucy joins the MIM despite claiming the women are vampires. None of that matters, though, because Serenitea makes her feel . . . well. Tranquil.

    Until Lucy disappears and Harriet's world begins to crumble.

    Is Serenitea really a bunch of beautiful vampires? So what if they are? How far will Harriet go for tranquility?

    Are you well?

    ©2024 Stephanie Sanders-Jacob. (P)2024 Tantor
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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