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Couverture de Pushing Back the Desert: Operation Ajax

Pushing Back the Desert: Operation Ajax

De : Gordon Zuckerman
Lu par : Scott Fleming
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    Inspired by true events. A historically accurate work of fiction. This is the first book in the Zuckerman's 2nd trilogy.

    During the turbulent late 1950s (Eisenhower Era), the New Sentinels are called upon to reveal a hidden plot (Operation Ajax) to topple Iran's Parliamentary Government, reinstate the exiled Shah, and take over Iran's oil industry, the fourth-largest in the world.

    When British and American oil interests secretly orchestrate a coup to seize control of Iran's oil fields in 1953, a small group of humanitarian visionaries and conscientious allies must conduct a high-stakes underground operation to protect a utopian community of farmers and foil the world powers' greedy ambitions.


    If you're born into the power, resources, and ability to fight evil in the world, is it your responsibility to do so?

    The easy answer seems to be, yes... but what if you knew it would cost you your family? If you knew you would always live in fear? If it would more likely cost you your life?

    This is the central thematic question at the heart of Sentinels interwoven into the subtext throughout the series.

    Our heroes will struggle with their call to duty, have their resolve galvanized, and face uncertainty in their choices, ultimately finding an answer to this question in the end.

    ©2024 Gordon Zuckerman (P)2024 Gordon Zuckerman

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