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  • Push Off from Here

  • Nine Essential Truths to Get You Through Sobriety (and Everything Else)
  • De : Laura McKowen
  • Lu par : Laura McKowen
  • Durée : 7 h et 34 min

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Push Off from Here

De : Laura McKowen
Lu par : Laura McKowen
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    From the bestselling author of We Are the Luckiest and founder of the international recovery community The Luckiest Club comes a modern exploration of addiction that offers nine foundational building blocks that anyone at any stage of sobriety can use.

    “I wish I had it when I first got sober, but I’m glad I have it now.”—Anne Lamott

    No matter how far astray you’ve gone or how many times you’ve tried and failed before, as long as you’re still sitting here, breathing, and reading these words, freedom and joy are still possible.

    When Laura McKowen was two years sober, she received an email from a woman whose sister was struggling with alcohol addiction. McKowen had barely climbed out from the dark place the woman’s sister was in, but she made a list of the things she most needed to hear when she was deep in her own battle.

    1. It is not your fault.
    2. It is your responsibility.
    3. It is unfair that this is your thing.
    4. This is your thing.
    5. This will never stop being your thing until you face it.
    6. You cannot do it alone.
    7. Only you can do it.
    8. You are loved.
    9. We will never stop reminding you of these things.

    In Push Off from Here, McKowen delves deeply into each of her nine points: what they mean, how they work, and how every person can live them. She addresses topics such as the correlation between trauma and addiction, the importance of radical honesty, letting go of the illusion of control, the value of community, a reminder that healing is a continual process, and that the process is a gift. Whether you’re just starting out or have been sober for decades, McKowen instructs us to be kind to ourselves: Change is messy and progress is rarely linear, but we can always push off from here.

    The stories and advice McKowen shares are specific to alcohol addiction, but the tenets are universal in their application and useful no matter what challenge you face. With profound honesty and boundless compassion, Push Off from Here provides an actionable framework for healing what pains us and proves that a life of sobriety can be synonymous with a life of magic, peace, and freedom.

    ©2023 Laura McKowen (P)2023 Random House Audio


    “This is the book, and Laura McKowen is the voice. Push Off from Here offers one of the bravest and boldest takes on recovery I’ve ever read, and there is no one who won’t be comforted, supported, and empowered by Laura’s words.” —Melissa Urban, co-founder and CEO of Whole30 and New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Boundaries

    “The writing sparkles on every page, but the biggest gift of this book is Laura McKowen’s insistence that we all deserve grace for who we’ve been in the past and permission to get busy building the lives we’ve always wanted.” —Christie Tate, New York Times bestselling author of Group

    “Wise, practical, empathetic, beautifully written, above all USEFUL. Reading this book is like having coffee with your big sister whose been through itloving but clear-eyed about how to get through the next stretch.” Shauna Niequist, New York Times bestselling author of I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet

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