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  • Pulling Back the Curtains

  • From Growing Up in Africa to Working as a Black Professional in Corporate America.
  • De : Papa Niang
  • Lu par : Larry Walsh
  • Durée : 7 h et 36 min

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Pulling Back the Curtains

De : Papa Niang
Lu par : Larry Walsh
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    Finally, a Black professional in Corporate America exposing what it is like to be Black! Papa M Niang was born in Senegal, West Africa, where he graduated high school before moving to France for his undergraduate studies in mathematics.

    In 1997, he immigrated to the United States with only 1000 dollars in his pocket, in pursuit of higher education and a better life. Eventually, he earned his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, and an MBA from Indiana University Bloomington. Having believed America to be the El Dorado of the world, Niang had to reckon with betrayal and racism. In relating the details of his work experience, Niang aims to reveal the challenges and pressures on Black people in Corporate America.

    He also takes us though his childhood in Senegal, posing large cultural questions about the history of Africa’s economic relationship with the West. Unfortunately, Africa is still, in many ways, kept in bondage by the West, partly through the complicity of its own sons and daughters.

    Since the murder of George Floyd, as an African man living in the United States, Papa Niang has committed to telling the story of his struggles and triumphs—with the hope that more bystanders will become allies, and Black people will gain greater support within their own communities and beyond.

    ©2022 Papa Niang (P)2022 Papa Niang

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