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  • Psychic Empath

  • This Book Includes: Highly Sensitive Empath - The Enneagram - Chakra Healing for Beginners
  • De : Melissa Carroll
  • Lu par : Samantha Boffin
  • Durée : 22 h et 20 min

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Psychic Empath

De : Melissa Carroll
Lu par : Samantha Boffin
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    Three manuscripts in one audiobook.

    Everything you need to know to develop your “superpowers” as an empathic person (and get rid of the downsides of your personality type) lies in this guide.

    As an empath, you have both superpowers (such as an unusual intuition) and downsides (for example, you tend to be too emotional).The thing is, your downsides prevent you from developing your superpowers. Did you know that?

    For example, your tendency to be too emotional prevents you from reading another person’s mind because yours is too cloudy. Again, your tendency to be a “sponge” that absorbs the mood of the room you’re in prevents you from healing the energy of your family. Instead of injecting positivity into your family, you end up absorbing its negativity.

    So, in order to let your superpowers flourishing, you have first to get rid of your downsides.

    This guide provides you with the best instruments (straight from psychology and ancient wisdom) to do that.

    A glimpse of what they are about:

    • Medical-approved strategies to stop being too emotional. Proven step-by-step “instructions”, straight from psychotherapy sessions, to get in total control of your reactions (especially when you’re in presence of others)
    • Chakras healing for beginners to take your body’s and mind’s health to the next level. Learn how to feeling great (full of energy, speed mind, positive mood) by pulling away from your chakras the “plugs” that block their energy
    • The enneagram art and science to boost your self-confidence and your self-discipline. The Enneagram is an ancient geometric symbol used in the psychological and esoteric fields. It reveals to you what “threads” to pull in order of growing your self-confidence and self-discipline (the majority of people pulls the wrong threads, and that’s why they are basically shy and lazy)
    • And so much more!

    Don't live your life as a weakened version of yourself.

    Start developing your superpowers and getting rid of your downsides from today.

    Buy now your copy of this guide.

    ©2021 Makenna & Tavish Publishing Ltd (P)2021 Makenna & Tavish Publishing Ltd

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